In 1955 Pope Pius XII instituted the Feast of St. Joseph the Worker to be celebrated on May 1st.
:+: Prayer to St Joseph Composed by Venerable Pius XII :+:
O glorious Patriarch, Saint Joseph, humble and just artisan
of Nazareth, thou hast given to all Christians and particularly to us an
example of a perfect life through diligent labor and admirable union with Jesus
and Mary.
Assist us in our daily work in order that we, Catholic
artisans, may also see in it an effective means of glorifying God, of
sanctifying ourselves, and of being a useful member in the society in which we
live. These should be the highest ideals for all our actions.
O dearest Protector, obtain for us from the Lord humility and simplicity of heart, love for our work and kindness towards our fellow-laborers; conformity to God's will in the unavoidable trials of this life together with joy in bearing them; recognition of our specific social mission and a sense of responsibility; the spirit and discipline and prayer; docility and respectfulness towards superiors; the spirit of brotherhood towards our equals; charity and indulgence with our dependents.
O dearest Protector, obtain for us from the Lord humility and simplicity of heart, love for our work and kindness towards our fellow-laborers; conformity to God's will in the unavoidable trials of this life together with joy in bearing them; recognition of our specific social mission and a sense of responsibility; the spirit and discipline and prayer; docility and respectfulness towards superiors; the spirit of brotherhood towards our equals; charity and indulgence with our dependents.
Accompany us in times of prosperity when the opportunity is
given for an honest enjoyment of the fruits of our labors; sustain us in our
hours of sadness, when Heaven seems to be shut in our regard, and even the very
tools with which our hands toil appear to rebel against us.
Grant that, in imitation of thee, we may keep our eyes fixed on our Mother, Mary, thy dearest Spouse, who as she spun silently in a corner of thy shop would let the sweetest smile course over her lips. Besides, may we never take our eyes off Jesus, Who was busily occupied with thee at the carpenters bench, in order that we in like manner may lead on earth a peaceful and a holy life, a prelude to the life of eternal happiness that awaits us in Heaven for ever and ever. + Amen.
Grant that, in imitation of thee, we may keep our eyes fixed on our Mother, Mary, thy dearest Spouse, who as she spun silently in a corner of thy shop would let the sweetest smile course over her lips. Besides, may we never take our eyes off Jesus, Who was busily occupied with thee at the carpenters bench, in order that we in like manner may lead on earth a peaceful and a holy life, a prelude to the life of eternal happiness that awaits us in Heaven for ever and ever. + Amen.

St. Peter Julian Eymard - At Nazareth Joseph's days were filled with work which necessarily took him away at times from his Infant God. During these hours Mary replaced him, but when evening brought him home again, he would pass the entire night in adoration, never tiring, only too happy for the chance to contemplate the hidden riches of Jesus' divinity. For he pierced the rough garments the Child wore, until his faith touched the Sacred Heart. In profound adoration he united himself to the special grace of each one of the events in the life of Jesus.

St. Josemaria Escrivá - Joseph was a craftsman from Galilee, just one man among many. What had life to
offer to someone from a forgotten village like Nazareth? Nothing but work: work
every day, with the same constant effort. And at the end of the day, a poor
little house in which to rest and regain energy for the next day. But the name
Joseph, in Hebrew, means "God will add." God adds unsuspected
dimensions to the holy lives of those who do his will. He adds the one
important dimension which gives meaning to everything, the divine dimension. To
the humble and holy life of Joseph he added — if I may put it this way — the
lives of the Virgin Mary and of Jesus, our Lord.

O glorious St. Joseph, model of all those who are devoted to labor, obtain for me the grace to work conscientiously, putting the call of duty above my natural inclinations, to work with gratitude and joy, in a spirit of penance for the remission of my sins, considering it an honor to employ and develop by means of labor the gifts received from God, to work with order, peace, moderation and patience, without ever shrinking from weariness and difficulties, to work above all with purity of intention and detachment from self, having always death before my eyes and the account that I must render of time lost, of talents wasted, of good omitted, of vain complacency in success, so fatal to the work of God. All for Jesus, all through Mary, all after thine example, O Patriarch, St. Joseph. Such shall be my watchword in life and in death. + Amen.

Do not allow them, under the burden of so many worries, to
forget the end for which God created them; do not allow the poison of mistrust
to conquer their immortal souls. Remind all workers that in the fields, in the
factories, in the mines and in the laboratories of science, they are never
alone in their joys and in their sorrow, but that Jesus is always with them, to
wipe the perspiration from their brow, and to ennoble their toil. Teach them to
transform their labor, as you did, into an exalted instrument of
sanctification. + Amen.