When he was young, Our Lord rested his head against St Joseph’s chest, hearing his heart beat with love for Him. In adulthood, St John the Beloved rested his head against Our Lord’s chest, hearing His heart beat with love for mankind, at the Last Supper.
St Joseph and St John the Beloved were the two men closest to Christ. St. John the Beloved: Place of prominence next to Our Lord, the Bread of Life, at the Last Supper. (Institution of the Eucharist). St Joseph’s hometown: Bethlehem “House of Bread”. Joseph is the first man to receive the Bread of Eternal Life into his hands at the Nativity.
God entrusted into Joseph’s care His most precious gifts to the world: Our Lord Jesus Christ – the Redeemer of men – and Our Immaculate Mother Mary. St Joseph was told by the angel to take Mary into his home, as his wife.
St. John inherited the treasure of Our Lady and was told by Jesus on the cross (since St Joseph had died by now) to take Mary as his mother and be her son, her Guardian – just as her husband Joseph had taken care of her.
Our Lady Appeared at Knock, Ireland with her Guardians at her side: Both St Joseph and St John the Beloved appeared at Knock, Ireland w/ Our Lady and Lamb of God surrounded by angels. Joseph, on Our Lady’s right hand side, inclines his head, facing toward Our Lady. He is showing her love and respect. Our Lady has hands raised as she looks Heavenward in thanksgiving for God’s graces, John the Beloved on the left hand side of the Blessed Virgin holding the scriptures. To the left of John is the Lamb of God surrounded by adoring angels. It depicts a sort of Family Portrait.
Anyway, these were just some thoughts, dot connecting I did. I think there is something special in St. Joseph and John the Beloved since they took care of Our Lady in life and honor her in Heaven. We should heed their example of devotion to the Virgin Mary and their willingness to always do God’s Will. Glory to God! Peace to us!