Tuesday, September 18, 2012


1) Joseph Sanctified in the Womb Joseph was a miracle of holiness and the Lord infused into his soul the most perfect habits of all the virtues and gifts. Joseph was sanctified in his mother’s womb seven months after his conception, and the leaven of sin was destroyed in him for the whole course of life.  – Venerable Maria de Agreda

Joseph had three privileges which were special to him. Firstly, that he was sanctified in his mother's womb. Secondly, that he was at the same time confirmed in grace. And thirdly, that he was always exempt from the inclinations of concupiscence.   
– St. Alphonsus Liguori

2) Holy Espousals of Joseph and Mary  The Most High God inspired the High Priest to place into the hands of each of the young men a dry stick, with the command that they ask the Lord to single out the one whom He had chosen as the spouse of Mary. While they prayed, the staff which Joseph held was seen to blossom and at the same time a dove of purest white and resplendent with admirable light, was seen to descend upon the saint... And the priest espoused Mary to the most chaste and holy of men, Saint Joseph.  – Venerable Maria de Agreda

The espousals between Joseph and Mary are an episode of great importance. Joseph was of the royal line of David and, in virtue of his marriage to Mary, would confer on the Son of the Virgin - on God's Son - the legal tile of "Son of David," thus fulfilling the prophecies. The espousals of Joseph and Mary are determinant in the history of humanity's salvation, in the realization of the promises of God; because of this, it has a supernatural connotation, which Joseph and Mary accept with humility and trust.  - Pope Benedict XVI

3) The Annunciation to St Joseph St. Joseph is presented as a “just man” (Matthew 1:19), faithful to God’s law, ready to do His will. On account of this he enters into the mystery of the Incarnation after an angel of the Lord appears to him in a dream and tells him: "Joseph, son of David, do not be afraid to take Mary your wife with you. In fact the child that has been conceived in her comes from the Holy Spirit; she will give birth to a son and you will call him Jesus: he in fact will save his people from their sins" (Matthew 1:20-21). Forgetting the thought of repudiating Mary in secret, he takes her in because his eyes now see the work of God in her.   - Pope Benedict XVI

4) The Birth of Jesus  Mary brought forth her firstborn son, and wrapped him in swaddling clothes…   - St. Luke 2:7

Joseph adored the newborn in profoundest humility and with tears of joy he kissed His feet in admiration…    - Venerable Maria de Agreda

On that holy night, in Bethlehem, with Mary and the Child, is Joseph, to whom the Heavenly Father entrusted the daily care of his Son on earth, a care carried out with humility and in silence.  – Pope Benedict XVI

5) Life with Jesus and Mary  There are many good reasons to honor Saint Joseph, and to learn from his life. He was a man of strong faith. He earned a living for his family - Jesus and Mary - with his own hard work... He guarded the purity of the Blessed Virgin, who was his Spouse. And he respected - he loved! - God’s freedom, when God made His choice: not only His choice of Our Lady the Virgin as His Mother, but also His choice of Saint Joseph as the Husband of Holy Mary.   - St. Josemaria Escrivá

St. Joseph was a "committed" man, as we might say nowadays. And what commitment! He had total commitment to Mary, the elect of all the women of the earth and of history, always his virgin spouse… and total commitment to Jesus, who was his offspring by legal descendance, not by the flesh. His were the burdens, the responsibilities, the risks and the labors surrounding the Holy Family. His was the service, the work and the sacrifices, in the shadows of that Gospel picture in which we love to meditate on him; and we are certainly not mistaken, for we all know him now and call him blessed.   - Pope Paul VI

Hail Joseph, Son of David, God is with you. Blessed are you amongst men, and blessed is Our Lord Jesus Christ! Holy Joseph, Guardian of the Redeemer, pray for us and be with us now and as we sigh our last breath. + Amen

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