Thursday, September 6, 2012


While researching for my previous work, St.Joseph: Prince of the Church, I happened upon some wonderful quotes by the saints and popes regarding Joseph, the husband of Mary and the Virgin-Father of Christ – some of which I shared in my book, but many I had to leave out as it was not meant to focus wholly on the sayings of others. However, I still wanted to share these wonderful reflections with the faithful to show just how highly esteemed St. Joseph is in Holy Mother Church. Most were short and simple but still contained great themes to meditate on. But as beautiful as the quotes in my possession were, there were not enough to justify a new book. 

Reflections on Our Lord and the Blessed Virgin, given to us by holy men and women, would easily fill thousands upon thousands of pages, yet those of St. Joseph are a different matter. Though compiling these quotes may sound easy, it was an arduous task which required much research and patience.
I also wanted to include pious artwork to accompany each quote so as to give the reader appropriate illustrations to reflect on, but not just any images would do. I wanted to present depictions that were not so widely known – at least in North America. So now, mingled with the holy words of saints and pontiffs, are works of art to add to the uniqueness of this little book.  

The image and story of St. Joseph has long been regulated to being a foot-note to the story of our faith. He has been “hidden” from us for so long that many in the Church fail to contemplate this man who was much beloved by God. The purpose of my previous book, St. Joseph:Prince of the Church, was to bring him from out of the shadows so that many more of the faithful would come to love and understand him more. Now with this work, St. Joseph: A Treasury, my goal is to enhance devotion to this glorious saint by meditating upon the words of those who have given themselves wholly to God, just as Joseph has.

I call this little book a “treasury” for two reasons. Firstly, because uncovering these words (and the images which accompany them) has proven to be quite the treasure hunt. Digging deep and searching far and wide, following the clues of dusty footnotes and “brief mentions,” I have managed to uncover some of the precious gems and pearls of wisdom which lead us to reflect more deeply on the person and dignity of St. Joseph.

Secondly, I call this humble work a “treasury” because I myself will always treasure this incredible saint whom Our Lord, with complete reverence, deigned to call “father.” St. Joseph, in union with Our Lady, has recovered me from the depths of my despair – bringing me back to the Church, bringing me back to Jesus Christ! And for this, I will always be grateful.

In the Old Testament, when the people of Egypt hungered for food, Pharaoh instructed them to “go to Joseph” and to do all that he told them (Genesis 41:55.) The Joseph of Genesis fed the people and provided for them. The Joseph of the New Testament, our St. Joseph, was the first man to receive the Word made flesh, Who is our Lord Jesus Christ. He first held him in Bethlehem (which literally means “House of Bread”,) and so now, grateful for this honor, he too extends his hands to us who hunger, offering us not manna, but the true Bread of Life, from which we receive our salvation. (John 6:58.)

Thus I offer this humble little book with the prayer it may assist many in their devotion to St. Joseph – the Father chosen by Our Lord Himself. 

You can order directly from the Apostolate or from

Ite Ad Ioseph!

José Rodrigues

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