Tuesday, January 22, 2013


The Virgin was betrothed to a man named Joseph, 
of the House of David. - St. Luke 1:27

The Most High spoke to the heart of the high priest, inspiring him to place into the hands of each one of the young men a dry stick, with the command that each ask his Majesty with a lively faith, to single out the one whom He had chosen as the spouse of Mary. While they were thus engaged in prayer the staff which Joseph held was seen to blossom and at the same time a dove of purest white and resplendent with admirable light, was seen to descend and rest upon the head of the saint... And the priest espoused Mary to the most chaste and holy of men, Saint Joseph.  Venerable Maria de Agreda

The espousals between Joseph and Mary are an episode of great importance. Joseph was of the royal line of David and, in virtue of his marriage to Mary, would confer on the Son of the Virgin - on God's Son - the legal tile of "Son of David," thus fulfilling the prophecies. The espousals of Joseph and Mary are, because of this, a human event, but determinant in the history of humanity's salvation, in the realization of the promises of God; because of this, it also has a supernatural connotation, which the two protagonists accept with humility and trust. Pope Benedict XVI, Vatican Gardens, 5 July 2010

In the Liturgy, Mary is celebrated as "united to Joseph, the just man, by a bond of marital and virginal love." There are really two kinds of love here, both of which together represent the mystery of the Church -virgin and spouse - as symbolized in the marriage of Mary and Joseph. “Virginity or celibacy for the sake of the Kingdom of God not only does not contradict the dignity of marriage but presupposes and confirms it. Marriage and virginity are two ways of expressing and living the one mystery of the Covenant of God with his people,” the Covenant which is a communion of love between God and human beings. Bl Pope John Paul II, Redemptoris Custos

How exalted in the virtue of virginity must Joseph have been who was destined by the Eternal Father to be the companion in virginity of Mary! Both had made a vow to preserve virginity for their entire lives, and it was the Will of God to join them in the bond of a holy marriage. 
St. Francis de Sales

Joseph teaches us that it is possible to love without possessing. In contemplating Joseph, all men and women can, by God’s grace, come to experience healing from their emotional wounds, if only they embrace the plan that God has begun to bring about in those close to him, just as Joseph entered into the work of redemption through Mary and as a result of what God had already done in her. Pope Benedict XVI, Yaoundé, Cameroon, 18 March 2009

:+:  History of the Feast  :+:

At the Council of Constance in 1416, John Gerson proposed that a votive Feast of the Betrothal of Mary Most Holy and St. Joseph be celebrated. In 1684 Innocent XI permitted its celebration by certain Orders. Benedict XIII, Pius IX, Leo XIII, gradually extended celebration of this feast day to various places, spreading all over the world. In 1961 the Sacred Congregation of Rites issued an instruction that removed from particular calendars numerous particular feasts, including the Feast of the Espousals of Mary and St. Joseph, except in places where the feasts have a special connection with the place itself. In the post Vatican II period of liturgical renewal, the feast is again being permitted for particular liturgical calendars. 

 :+: THE HOLY RING :+: 
The wedding ring given by St Joseph to Our Lady. The ring, known as Santo Anello (Holy Ring) is housed in a chapel in the Cathedral of St Lorenzo in Perugia, Italy.

Apostolate of St Joseph 
Prince of the Church


  1. Amen ! Great and very interesting . God bless you

    1. Yes, it is interesting, we are blessed to have such wonderful words from our Popes and the Saints. God bless you too!


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